Some of the most important facts about vinyl floors

You have indeed made a good decision by choosing vinyl for your floors. There are various important facts about vinyl flooring. If you have chosen this without knowing these details, then it is time for you to read ahead. Before anything else, let us know the type of vinyl floors available. These are available as a sheet and tile flooring.

The vinyl tiles are available in three types of finishes.

  • The no-wax finish can be used in areas where foot traffic will be less and dust accumulation is not high.
  • Urethane finish that is heavier and can handle more traffic than the first one.
  • An enhanced urethane finish is the most durable among the three and can tolerate more foot movement. They are generally used in commercial areas like shops and malls. They are also resistant to scratches.

The following is the list of points that mention the special features of vinyl floors.

 Wide variety of designs:

Luxury vinyl tiles are available in a wide variety of designs. There are some remarkable designs that are seen in vinyl flooring. The best quality is that it can be made to replicate hardwood or ceramic floors. With the help of technology, vinyl flooring is made in a variety of colors and models. They are also made scratch-resistant which is an important advantage.


Luxury vinyl tile flooring in Eugene, OR is highly durable. The use of modern techniques in manufacture has made them strong and resistant to wear and tear. They can withstand scratches since the top layer is made with glazed ceramic. Scratches are not shown out distinctly. They can be used for a long time even in places where human traffic is very high. This is the reason you find vinyl floors in malls and commercial establishments. These places are where the movement of people happens more. Experts say that with minimum maintenance, vinyl floors can last even up to 15 years.

Opting for vinyl tile flooring is a great choice. Talk to a professional fooring expert to grab more knowhow.